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In the sixties and seventies there was a feeling of genuine camaraderie amongst Club members and I remember it was this camaraderie which prompted me to offer the house and gardens at Home Farm as a venue for two Southern West Highland White Terrier Club Open Shows. I have very happy memories of them and I still have appreciative letters from many who attended. It was all great fun, a lot of hard work, and quite a contrast for me to see beautifully turned out Westies in a garden more used to seeing somewhat scruffy country loving Westies gambolling on the lawn!


Copyright ©2007-15 Picklepeg Westies All rights reserved. Site created by PJ Arnoll-Davis & Jonathan Bailey

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As a breeder of West Highland White Terriers for over 40 years and having shown Westie dogs at many Kennel Club meetings you can be assured of a high standard of Westie which not only has an excellent temperament, but is known for its fun-loving character and especially warm nature, ideal as a family pet.

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